
You're getting married! That's wonderful! You're in love, you're excited, and you're exhausted! Sound familiar? You've always known that regular exercise and good eating habits are the keys to physical and emotional well being. Begin now with a serious and sensible health care program that will suit your lifestyle and help you to accomplish your personal goals.

It's important that you choose a regimen you can live with. Strenuous exercises such as jogging, aerobics, and weight lifting are best done in a controlled situation with a qualified consultant to help you set realistic goals. A health and exercise spa will usually offer personal sports (tennis, racquet ball, swimming, etc.) as well as over - all health consultation and progress reports.

New "Thinning and Toning" studios offer a unique alternative to more strenuous exercise programs. Seperate exercise units are designed to help you lose inches and build muscle tissue - to get into shape without getting sore and tired in the process! Although toning studios do not focus so much on weight loss as on firming muscle tissue; nutritionists are often on staff or on call to help with diet control.

Treat yourself to a relaxing therapeutic massage after a busy, tension filled week! You'll come away feeling refreshed physically and mentally. The cost is minimal for the benefits received. Tired muscles are soothed; and because you'll feel so good, you'll come away with a whole new outlook on life!

A luxurious vacation spa or day spa can be a reward for you during this busy time. Here, professionals will work on a program for the "whole person." Exercise, diet control, beauty routines and relaxing body and facial massages will be part of your visit.

Whichever personal health program you choose, it should be one that helps you relieve tension, eat and sleep well, and gives you added energy to enjoy this special time of planning your wedding and your exciting new life!